
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Cooking Classes in Melbourne for Event Planners
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Cooking Classes in Melbourne for Event Planners

Melbourne is a cultural melting pot with a vibrant food scene that offers an abundance of cooking classes for food lovers and aspiring chefs alike. If you're an event planner looking to enhance your culinary knowledge and skills, then you'll want to check out some of the best cooking classes in Melbourne. Whether it's Spanish tapas, Thai curries, or Mexican street food, Melbourne has a cooking class that will pique your interest.

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Looking for Fun and Practical Cooking Classes in Melbourne
Looking for Fun and Practical Cooking Classes in Melbourne

Looking for Fun and Practical Cooking Classes in Melbourne? Look no further than Otao Kitchen!

Cooking classes in Melbourne offer an exciting and adventurous way to enhance your culinary skills. At Otao Kitchen, we have gathered a team of the finest local chefs in Melbourne to guide you through an enjoyable and educational cooking experience. Whether you're a beginner or have some cooking experience, our welcoming environment is perfect for everyone.

With a wide variety of cooking lessons to choose from, you can explore the world of Japanese sushi rolling, sourdough bread making, cake decorating, vegan cooking, and so much more. Craving Italian cuisine? Learn how to make pasta dough from scratch and experiment with flavorful sauces. Or dive into Vietnamese cooking, dumpling making, or even seafood barbecuing. The options are truly endless!

And it's not just for adults - we offer fun kids cooking classes as well. Looking for a romantic activity? Try our Japanese cooking classes for couples. We even have hands-on cooking lessons that are ideal for team building and corporate events.

Planning a special event? Consider our classy hens party ideas. Discover the secrets of Spanish favorites like paella and pair your meal with delicious wines. Or transport yourself to an Italian village right in the heart of the Melbourne CBD with our hands-on pasta making class. These activities are perfect for connecting and bonding over good food.

No prior experience in the kitchen? Not a problem! Our passionate chefs will create a stress-free and fun atmosphere as they guide you through each step. Watch, learn, and then try it yourself. By the end of the cooking workshops, you'll not only have delicious creations to sample or take home but also newfound confidence and skills in the kitchen.

So, if you're looking for an unforgettable cooking experience in Melbourne, join us at Otao Kitchen. Let's cook up some fun and delicious memories together! Visit our website to book your cooking class.

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The Secret Ingredient
The Secret Ingredient


amazing race

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Building A Flavorful Pantry: Essential Spices Every Kitchen Needs
Building A Flavorful Pantry: Essential Spices Every Kitchen Needs

Opening a spice cabinet can be like unlocking the door to a world of flavours and culinary creativity. The intoxicating aroma, visual feast of colourful blends, and textures of spices that bring life to every dish are more than mere ingredients. They're essential to transforming ordinary meals into extraordinary experiences. But what's the secret to building a pantry that truly resonates with flavour? The answer lies in understanding the core components of spices, how they work together, and most importantly, which ones are must-haves in every kitchen.

Having the right selection of spices is crucial for those looking to elevate their cooking skills or simply enjoy tastier meals. From the fundamental salt and pepper to exotic blends like garam masala, the spices you choose can make all the difference in your cooking.

Finding the right sources for quality spices is the first step in unlocking their potential in your cooking. It's worth taking the time to learn more about their spices and flavourings, understanding what each brings to the table, and how they can be combined to create unique and mouth-watering dishes. This knowledge is the foundation of building a savoury pantry that can take your cooking to the next level.


The Essential Spices In Every Kitchen 

Every kitchen pantry, whether belonging to a beginner or an expert cook, should be equipped with important spices. These fundamentals serve as the backbone of flavour in virtually all types of cuisine.

Basic Spices: These are the building blocks of flavour in most recipes.

  • Salt is a fundamental seasoning that enhances the natural taste of food.
  • Pepper adds a sharp bite and can vary in intensity depending on the type used.
  • Garlic powder and onion powder, though not always considered basic, are versatile ingredients for enhancing flavours.
  • Paprika, in its sweet to smoked varieties, adds colour and a range of heat levels.

Universal Herbs: Fresh or dried, these herbs add aromatic notes to various dishes.

  • Fresh or dried basil is known for its sweetness and is a staple in Italian cuisine.
  • Oregano, with a robust, earthy taste, is indispensable in Mediterranean cooking.
  • Thyme has a subtle minty tang and is a versatile addition to meat and vegetable dishes.

Worldly Spices: These spices can transport your taste buds around the globe.

  • Cumin is a key ingredient in Mexican and Indian dishes and has a warm, earthy aroma.
  • Coriander seeds and fresh cilantro leaves are used, offering a citrusy taste.
  • Turmeric is known for its bright yellow colour and mild bitterness and is the main component in curries.

Must-Have Blends: Pre-mixed blends provide complex palate with minimal effort.

  • Curry powder is a mix of spices such as turmeric, chilli, and coriander and is vital for Indian dishes.
  • Garam masala is a warm blend that often includes cinnamon, cloves, and cumin and is key in Indian and Pakistani cuisines.
  • Italian seasoning is a combination of herbs like oregano, thyme, and basil and is great for pasta sauces and salads.

Knowing these requisites is just the beginning; mastering how to use them is where cooking artistry comes alive. Now that we’ve explored the chief spices, it's time to understand the gastronomic techniques that can maximize their flavours.


Culinary Techniques With Spices

Knowing how to use spices is key to unlocking their full potential. The techniques you apply, ranging from toasting to grinding, can transform the taste profile. Here's how to make the most of your spices:

  • Gently toasting spices releases their oils, grinding them fresh ensures potency, and blending lets you create your signature mixes.
  • Understanding how to infuse flavours can elevate your cooking, such as adding spices early or late in cooking, making a difference.
  • Combining spices is an art; experimenting with cumin and coriander can help you find the perfect balance.

Mastering the techniques is just the first step; organizing your spice pantry will ensure you have everything at your fingertips, ready to create those delicious dishes.


Organizing Your Spice Pantry

A well-organized spice rack helps keep spices fresh and finding them easily. Storing and labelling spices can have a significant impact on their potency and the outcome of your dishes. Consider the following tips:

  • Store spices in airtight containers, away from heat, and label them clearly.
  • Regularly check for freshness and replace spices that have lost their tang. 

With an organized pantry in place, the world's cuisines are within reach right from your kitchen. Let's explore how to shop for spices to make the process seamless and exciting.


Shopping Guide For Spices

Shopping for spices can be both exciting and daunting. Knowing where to buy, what brands to trust, and how to invest wisely can prepare you for culinary success. Here's a guide to making your shopping seamless:

  • Look for reputable sellers that provide information about sourcing and freshness.
  • Seek out trusted brands or ask for recommendations to ensure quality.
  • Some shops offer spice kits, a convenient way to begin your collection.

Smart shopping ensures that your pantry is always stocked, allowing you to create delicious dishes confidently and creatively. Equipped with the right spices and knowledge, you're ready to embark on your cooking adventure. Let's reflect on the journey of building your savoury pantry.


Concluding Thoughts: Building Your Flavourful Pantry

Building an appetizing pantry with essential spices is a rewarding journey that transforms cooking into art. By focusing on the vital choices and mastering the techniques, you can create dishes that are delicious and tell a story of culture, creativity, and passion. Open the door to a world of flavours and make your culinary dreams come alive.

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How To Store Coffee For Prolonged Freshness
How To Store Coffee For Prolonged Freshness

How To Store Coffee For Prolonged Freshness

The aroma and the coffee's rich taste form the heart of a perfect cup of coffee. Proper storage ensures the retention of these attributes and extends the coffee's shelf life, providing that exquisite experience for longer periods. 

When coffee is exposed to external elements such as air, moisture, heat, and light, it can quickly lose its freshness, leading to a stale taste. This degradation can compromise the very essence of the coffee experience. By taking specific measures to store coffee correctly, consumers can prevent this unfortunate circumstance and maintain their coffee's peak taste and aroma. This article presents several crucial steps for storing coffee for prolonged freshness. 

1. Buy Whole Bean Coffee 

Purchasing coffee in its whole bean form, rather than pre-ground, can significantly enhance its shelf life. Whole bean coffee preserves more of the bean's natural oils, which are responsible for much of the coffee's flavour and aroma. The grinding process exposes more of the bean's surface area to air, accelerating the oxidation process and resulting in a faster loss of freshness. 

On the other hand, purchasing whole-bean coffee and grinding just before brewing ensures minimal exposure of the beans to air. It allows the beans to retain their oils and, therefore, their flavour for a longer period. Thus, coffee lovers seeking prolonged freshness should consider investing in a good quality coffee grinder along with their whole-bean coffee. 

2. Use Professional Coffee Bags 

A simple but effective way to extend the freshness of coffee is to use professional coffee bags. These bags are specifically engineered to shield coffee from the harmful impacts of air, light, and dampness. A prominent feature of most of these bags is a unidirectional valve. This valve permits the natural gases, which the beans emit, to exit while simultaneously blocking air from infiltrating the bag.

Storing coffee in these bags means it stays fresh longer than traditional packaging. The bags are also resealable, allowing for convenient usage without compromising the integrity of the coffee beans. It's a worthy investment for coffee aficionados looking to enjoy the best of their coffee beans for as long as possible. 

3. Limit Exposure To Air And Light 

Air and light are two of coffee's biggest enemies. They trigger the oxidation process, which deteriorates the quality of coffee, leading to stale, lifeless flavors. To prevent this, storing coffee in an airtight container in a cool, dark location is critical. 

Materials such as glass, ceramic, or non-reactive metal are ideal for coffee storage since they do not interfere with the flavor of the coffee. However, if using a transparent container, it is 

4. Keep Coffee At Room Temperature 

Coffee beans are highly sensitive to temperature changes and should be kept at room temperature for optimal freshness. Storing coffee in the refrigerator or freezer, while a common practice, can actually lead to moisture damage as the beans absorb smells and moisture from their surroundings. 

However, freezing could be considered if a bulk quantity of coffee has been purchased, and it is impossible to use it all within a couple of weeks. It is best to divide the coffee into smaller portions, wrapped tightly, and then frozen. These portions should be thawed as needed, ensuring that the coffee doesn't undergo multiple freeze-thaw cycles, which can severely degrade its quality. 

5. Don't Store Coffee For Too Long 

Regardless of the steps taken to prolong coffee freshness, there is a natural limit to how long it can be stored without losing its essential characteristics. Like any other food product, coffee is perishable. The freshness of the beans begins to decline after two weeks from roasting, even when stored under ideal conditions. 

This means that coffee should ideally be bought in smaller quantities, sufficient only for a few weeks. And as tempting as those sale deals might be, stocking up on too much coffee will only lead to disappointment when the last batches turn stale before they can be enjoyed. 

6. Avoid Moist Environments 

Moisture is another enemy of coffee that can rapidly accelerate degradation. It's important to avoid storing coffee in areas with high humidity, such as beneath the sink or next to the oven. This is because coffee is hygroscopic, which means it easily absorbs moisture from its surroundings. 

Also, never use a wet spoon or introduce moisture into the coffee storage container. Even a small amount can ruin the remaining coffee, as it creates a perfect environment for mould and bacteria growth, compromising the coffee's safety and quality. 

7. Use The Right Tools For Brewing 

After all the effort put into storing coffee correctly, it's equally important to use the right tools for brewing. Even with the freshest beans, using a dirty machine can ruin the taste. Regularly clean the coffee machine and other tools used in the brewing process to prevent old coffee grounds from tainting the flavor of the new batch. 

Additionally, consider investing in a high-quality coffee maker and grinder if possible. These tools can help ensure the right grind size and brewing time, which significantly contribute to a great-tasting cup of coffee. Just like with the storage process, precision and care in the brewing process can go a long way in enhancing the overall coffee experience. 


The essence of a delightful coffee experience lies in the beans' freshness. By purchasing whole-bean coffee, using professional coffee bags, limiting exposure to air, light, and moisture, maintaining room temperature, not storing coffee for too long, and using the right brewing tools, coffee lovers can extend the freshness and shelf-life of their favorite beverage. Remember, every step matters, from storage to brewing, and it's this journey of precision and care that leads to the perfect cup of coffee.

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Putting Bush Tuckers On The Menu
Putting Bush Tuckers On The Menu

Bush tucker is an important part of Australia's unique cuisine, with many ingredients found in the wild, such as bush fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and vegetables. These ingredients are used to create fantastic dishes that are both delicious and nutritious. Bush tucker has been popular since ancient times, when Indigenous Australians collected the edible plants.

Bush tuckers have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people incorporating them into their menus as part of modern Australian trends at home. The combination of traditional bush ingredients and contemporary cooking methods has created some truly amazing dishes.

Home cooks are experimenting with bush tucker ingredients to create unique flavour combinations, such as combining lemon myrtle with fish wrapped in leaves, or using saltbush in kangaroo. Bush tucker is also being used as a creative way to showcase Australia's native flavours and inspire new ways of thinking about food.

By putting Australian ingredients on the menu, you can add an exciting twist to your menu and give your guests an unforgettable dining experience. There are so many different plants and ingredients available that the possibilities are endless - from savoury entrées and desserts, to drinks and snacks. With careful consideration for sourcing sustainable products, you can ensure that each dish is filled with freshness, flavour, and a touch of Indigenous culture.

Bush tuckers can be a great way to add flavour and variety to any menu. By incorporating bush ingredients into their dishes, you can create unique flavour combinations that guests will love. By using bush tucker ingredients in creative ways, you can excite guests with a unique dining experience that showcases Australia's native flavours. Furthermore, by sourcing sustainable bush products responsibly and ethically, home cooks can ensure that they are creating nutritious, flavourful dishes without depleting natural resources.

Another great benefit of incorporating bush tuckers on the menu is that it allows you to connect with their local Indigenous culture. By honouring traditional cooking methods and recipes from Aboriginal Australia in their dishes, you can help preserve and celebrate these culinary customs for generations to come.

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The Ultimate Guide To Organising Your Kitchen
The Ultimate Guide To Organising Your Kitchen

The Ultimate Guide To Organising Your Kitchen

Having an organised kitchen is not only aesthetically pleasing but also makes cooking and meal preparation a breeze. If you constantly search for ingredients or struggle to locate your cooking utensils, it's time to declutter and organise your kitchen.

Fortunately, this article is your ultimate guide. It will provide you with a plan to transform your kitchen into a well-organised space that maximises efficiency and minimises stress.

1.     Declutter Your Kitchen

Before you start organising, it's essential to declutter your kitchen. Begin by going through your cabinets, pantry, and drawers. For instance, you may come across a chipped coffee mug that you rarely use or a set of mismatched plastic containers with missing lids. It's also best to eliminate expired food, broken utensils, and duplicate items.

Donating or disposing of these items frees up valuable space and ensures you only keep what you need. Likewise, decluttering will create a clean canvas for your organising efforts and help you identify what storage solutions you need.

2.     Maximise Your Pantry And Cabinets

A kitchen pantry is important as it provides a designated space for storing food items. Similarly, kitchen cabinets are the backbone of kitchen storage, so it's essential to strategise how you arrange your items and optimise the space. You may install adjustable shelves, a lazy susan, or stackable organisers to make the most of vertical space.

When arranging the items, it's ideal to store your least used items or ingredients at the back of the cabinets is ideal. This keeps frequently used items easily accessible at the front, while the ones you use less often are tucked away. This eliminates the need to sift through multiple items to find what you need, saving you time and frustration.

Moreover, storing less frequently used items at the back helps to extend their shelf life. These items are less exposed to light, heat, and potential damage, keeping them in better condition for longer. You can use a bamboo lazy susan to easily access items in the back and reduce the risk of accidentally knocking them over or damaging other items.

3.      Categorise And Group Similar Items

It's ideal to categorise and group similar items together. This approach makes it easier to locate specific items when you need them.

Here is a list of common kitchen items that can be categorised:

  • Cooking utensils: This includes spatulas, tongs, whisks, ladles, cooking spoons, measuring cups and spoons, peelers, and can openers.
  • Baking supplies: This includes mixing bowls, baking pans and sheets, measuring cups and spoons, rolling pin, pastry brush, cookie cutters and cake decorating tools.
  • Cookware: This includes pots and pans (different sizes), skillets, a dutch oven, a roasting pan, a saucepan, a stockpot, a frying pan, and a wok.
  • Food Storage Containers: This includes plastic containers with lids, glass jars with lids, airtight containers, freezer bags, plastic wrap, foil and parchment paper, and mason jars.
  • Cutting Tools: This includes a chef's knife, paring knife, bread knife, cutting board, knife sharpener, knife block or magnet strip, and scissors.

Once done, it’s best to create designated zones for each category. This simple step will save you time and effort while cooking.

4.     Utilise Wall And Door Space

Don't overlook the walls and doors in your kitchen—they provide valuable storage space. You may install hooks or a pegboard on a wall to hang pots, pans, and cooking utensils. Likewise, a door-mounted organiser can be used for spices, cleaning supplies, or even small pantry items. These simple additions help free up counter space and keep your kitchen essentials within reach.

5.     Label Your Kitchen Items

Efficiently organising your kitchen goes beyond simply grouping similar items together; it also involves labelling them. Labelling items in your kitchen provides several advantages, helping you maintain order and enhance functionality.

Here's why labelling is crucial and how it can benefit your kitchen organisation:

  • Easy identification: Labels allow for quick and easy identification of items, eliminating the need to rummage through containers or guess what's inside. For example, spice jars may include clear, legible labels to save time and prevent confusion when selecting the right spice for your recipes.
  • Time-saving: By clearly labelling items, you can save valuable time during meal preparation. For instance, label storage containers for leftovers to quickly identify and choose meals for reheating or consumption, minimizing food waste.
  • Customisation and personalisation: Labelling allows you to add personal touches and customise your kitchen organisation. Examples include decorative labels or colourful markers to add a touch of creativity and personal style to your pantry or spice collection.

Incorporating labels into your kitchen organisation strategy empowers you to maintain order, save time, and optimise functionality. Whether for pantry staples, cooking equipment and utensils, or storage containers, clear and legible labels bring clarity, efficiency, and a personal touch to your kitchen.

6.     Maintain Regular Cleaning Routines

It's important to establish regular cleaning routines to keep your kitchen organized. A few things to keep in mind are the following:

  • Wipe down countertops, surfaces, and appliances after each use.
  • Clean out the refrigerator and pantry regularly to discard expired or spoiled items.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floors and mop up any spills promptly.

By incorporating these habits into your routine, you'll prevent clutter from accumulating and maintain a clean and organised kitchen.


An organised kitchen is the foundation for a smooth cooking experience. You can transform your kitchen into a well-ordered and functional space with the tips and strategies outlined above. Remember, maintaining regular cleaning routines is key to sustaining an organised kitchen in the long run. Embrace these practices, and you'll enjoy the benefits of a well-organised kitchen for years.


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Satisfy Your Pasta And Pizza Cravings With Italian Food Near Me
Satisfy Your Pasta And Pizza Cravings With Italian Food Near Me

There are many great cuisines worldwide, but nothing beats the comfort and taste of Italian food. Not only does it fill your stomach, but it also fills your heart. Every authentic Italian dish is prepared with such passion that even the simplest ingredients shine.  

Consider, for example, the simplicity of Cacio e Pepe. Its minimalism is striking. It consists of just cheese and pepper. But when done perfectly, it can lift your spirits and make you forget your worries.  

Italian food is the best comfort food. That’s why people always reach for a slice of pizza when feeling down. It’s also a staple at celebrations, gatherings, and everything in between. So, if you need your fill of Italian food, check out Italian food delivery Ambler, PA. The menu includes customizable pizzas and wings, perfect for game nights.  

Italian restaurants can be found all over the world. That’s how popular and loved it is. And if you’re in Melbourne, you’re in luck because there are so many Italian restaurants scattered all over the city that offer genuine Italian dishes to satisfy your pasta and pizza cravings.  

This article highlights some of the best Italian restaurants in Melbourne and the most delicious dishes patrons always get. Whether you’re already an Italian food aficionado or want to try something new, these restaurants will never disappoint. 

1. Spaghetti Carbonara at Pellegrini’s Espresso Bar 

Pellegrini’s, an institution in Melbourne, is believed to have received the city’s first espresso machine delivered in 1954. This began the rich coffee culture of the city. But coffee aside, their spaghetti carbonara is one of the most ordered on the menu. The creamy combination of bacon, egg yolks, and grated parmesan cheese is the ultimate comfort food.  

Dining here offers a classic Italian bistro feel. The checkerboard floors and red vinyl stools by the bar amidst the aromatic smell of freshly brewed espresso will take you back in time. 

2. Margherita Pizza at DOC Gastronomia Italiana 

The best Italian pizzas can be found in Naples, Italy. But you don’t have to travel to Naples to taste one of the best Margherita pizzas. DOC Gastronomia Italiana offers the best Neapolitan pizzas in Melbourne.  

Cooked in a burning wood-fired oven at 900F, the pizzas perfectly achieve that slightly charred crispy crust. The traditional Neapolitan flavours shine in their Margherita pizza, even with its straightforward ingredients consisting of fresh tomatoes, Buffalo mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil leaves.

3. Lasagne Alla Bolognese at Tipo 00 

The restaurant is aptly named after the flour used in making authentic Italian pizzas and pasta. Tipo 00 creates the best outcome of these Italian staples. No wonder the Lasagne alla Bolognese of this restaurant is to die for.  

Fresh pasta sheets are layered with rich Bolognese and creamy bechamel sauces. The dish is baked in the oven until the cheese melts and gets bubbly golden brown. It’s the perfect plate of pasta to have on cold winter nights. You can imagine your grandmother hugging you while you eat forkfuls of this pasta dish.

4. Inferno Pizza at Il Bacaro 

If what you’re after is authentic Venetian fare, look no further. Venetian food is known for using fresh seafood, vegetables, and spices—lots of it. Il Bacaro is one of the best restaurants to get genuine Venetian dishes. One of their famous pizza offerings is their signature Inferno Pizza. It’s not for the faint-hearted, but the spice makes people crave it all the time.  

Inferno Pizza is called such because of the fiery heat. Inferno is hell in Italian. This a fitting description of the intense heat this pizza delivers. The squid ink in the dough gives it that slightly briny and oceanic flavour.  

The black dough is topped with fresh mozzarella cheese, plump and juicy red tomatoes, flavourful beef salami, olives, and spicy chilli flakes. For added heat, you may request the chef to drizzle chilli oil. On the other hand, if you want it milder, you can also request it from the servers.

5. Gnocchi Sorrentina at 400 Gradi 

Another authentic Neapolitan restaurant in Melbourne is 400 Gradi. The restaurant features a laid-back, classic atmosphere that pays tribute to its Italian heritage. That’s rich, flavourful, and served with flair by family-oriented staff who will warmly welcome you as soon as you enter its door.  

Their Gnocchi Sorrentina is made from potato flour, just the way it’s done in Naples. The cooked fresh gnocchi are tossed in tomato sauce inspired by the Sorrento region in Italy that uses San Marzano tomatoes, garlic, and basil. After the little pasta is simmered, it’s baked in the oven until the Mozzarella cheese melts and turns golden and bubbly.  

Many diners get this with a side of fresh salad and a glass of the best red wine of the restaurant, like a Chianti, that can stand up to the rich taste of this flavourful pasta dish. 

6. Ravioli Di Zucca at Osteria Ilaria 

Italian food has transformed over the years. And Osteria Ilaria gives many authentic Italian dishes a modern twist. Their Ravioli Di Zucca, for one, is very popular because of its vegetarian take on this classic pasta dish.  

The homemade ravioli is filled with roasted pumpkin, ricotta cheese, and crushed amaretti biscuit crumble, ladled with a rich brown sage and butter sauce, and topped with grated Parmigiano Reggiano.  

This unique pasta dish has the perfect balance of sweet and savoury and is perfect with a glass of crisp Pinot Grigio.

7. Quattro Formaggi at Gradi Crown 

Another Neapolitan-inspired restaurant in Melbourne that will satisfy your cravings. An award-winning Italian chef founds the restaurant, so you’ll know it’s as authentic as it gets.  

One of their most sought-after dishes is their Quattro Formaggi. The name means four kinds of cheese in Italian. The specific cheeses they used are: fior di latte, gorgonzola, parmesan, and taleggio. Each cheese brings a unique flavour to the pizza that makes for a very gratifying and soulful meal.

8. Conclusion 

Italian food is a way of life. The fresh and simple ingredients, skilful technique and traditional cooking never fail to deliver. If you’re looking for the best Italian dishes to fill you, check this list and enjoy the comfort and warmth Italian food can bring.

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Chef Tips On Healthy Eating On A Budget
Chef Tips On Healthy Eating On A Budget


How can you keep the cost of meals down without compromising on taste when you’re on a budget? ie: adding herbs, marinating, cooking cheaper cuts for longer etc

[Dylan] Incorporating more vegetable-based proteins like legumes and wholegrains can add substance and bulk to your meals. Soaking and cooking dried legumes is cheaper and ultimately more tasty than using canned ones. It doesn't necessarily require more work, just a little bit more planning. You should soak legumes overnight to make them more digestible, and they'll cook more evenly that way as well. Being open-minded and adaptable about trying new vegetables, and whole ingredients is key! Often, what's cheapest, and tastiest are what's in season. Tomatoes in July? Probably not.  Get outside of your weekly supermarket excursion and explore some ethnic small businesses. You'll find a trove of new flavour-boosting ingredients on the cheap. If you're unfamiliar, just push yourself to find one new ingredient each trip and find a couple ways to incorporate it into your cooking. Overtime, you'll build up a repertoire of familiarity with a whole range of new things. Don't be intimidated by trying something new and experimenting with it. 
[Anan] Also, know what you are spending on and setup a simple system to monitor food costs - for example price comparison apps - e.g. smartcart, wiselist, furgl). Portion control is also another way to keep costs down, make sure portions aren’t to big and bulk with legumes and wholegrains.

What are your top five tips for getting the most out of fresh produce?

  Storing your vegetables properly can give them extra life! Herbs can be wrapped in damp chux towels so they don't wilt, or if they have roots, lightly submerged in a cup of water. Mushrooms should be wrapped in paper bags. To get the most out of my produce, I like to turn to centuries-old preservation methods: pickling, marinating in oil, fermenting and salting. Having a few quick-pickle recipes or easy fermentations up your sleeve buys your vegetables a longer shelf life and often transforms them into something even more tasty. A small pile of pickles or kimchi elevates an otherwise standard meat-and-two-veg situation. 
[Anan]  Shop Local. Separate, Separate, Separate (store and freeze small portions, they cook faster and avoid waste. Maintain your fridge - keep it clean and keep open spaces so the air circulates correctly.

What are some lesser known, or less common, food choices or options that are all-rounders and can be prepared in a variety of ways?

 I love having a few varieties of dried mushrooms on hand. Porcini, dried shiitake especially. They rehydrate quickly and you can use the soaking liquid as a delicious and earthy stock which goes great with just about everything. Similarly, I  always make sure to have a few umami-rich ingredients stocked in my pantry as reinforcements to any bland food that befalls me. A couple sundried tomatoes blended into a stew. A few sneaky dashes of fish sauce in your pasta, a spoon of miso in your barbecue sauce. Anchovies in your creamy salad dressing. These are my secret weapons for flavour. 
[Anan] Bones to make stock/soup. Bulgar wheat. Ham hock. Lamb shanks.Tinned fish 

What are your top 5 ‘shopping on a budget’ tips?

[Dylan] Don't buy pre-made food. Don't buy spices from the supermarket, they're a fraction of the price at your nearest Indian purveyor and of far superior quality. Venture out to your local Asian supermarket. Don't be intimidated by anything squiggly, or any plant matter that is unfamiliar to you. Learn to like organ meats- they're healthy and affordable, and you'll seem more cultured if you know how to cook, prepare and eat them. 
[Anan] Buy seasonal. Make most of your meals with mainly vegetables. Plan your meals writing a weekly list and do meal prep for the week. Go to local markets rather than supermarkets.
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