Communication needs
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone
Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints
Have accessibility information and photos, including of a floor plan emailed on request
Advise our chefs of the access needs of guests at the time of booking (includes pick up and drop off requirements)
Provide assistance with booking arrangements
People with special needs
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phoneOffer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints
Have accessibility information and photos, including of a floor plan by email on request
Advise our chefs of the access needs of guests at the time of booking (includes pick up and drop off requirements)
Provide assistance with booking arrangements
Vision Needs
Please provide details of the facilities and services offered
Have Braille and tactile signage
Provide information in large print
Use easy read fonts in your signage and communication materials (Helvetica and Arial)
Have handrails in the toilet
Access Needs
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone
Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints (in person, phone or email)
Staff are trained in disability awareness
Website meets WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards
Provide assistance with booking arrangements
Physical Need - High support NDIS
Caters for people with high support needs who travel with a support person.
Hearing Needs
Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
Staffs are aware of communicating with people who are deaf or have hearing loss
We support Auslan translater
Physical Needs - Wheelchair
Have step free pathways
Display a contact number (accessible height is 900mm-1100 mm)
Have a step free main entrance to the building
Have doorways which are easy to open and have lever handles
Have an accessible public toilet which is unlocked