What's The Knives We Use?


The Knives We Use? Whether you are new to cooking or experienced in your kitchen, mastering knife skills is not only important for keeping you safe but will make your recipes that much better. Ingredients that are cut uniformly cook at the same rate and result in a dish that is cooked properly throughout. Since each piece of food is cut in the same fashion, the finished dish will have a nice presentation. 

What's The Knives We Use?

The instructor will cover the correct way to hold a knife as well as how to grip the food with your other hand to avoid cutting yourself in our home cooking live

We use 3 knives in the kitchen and you can see the link on Amazon below.

Knives all have one thing in common: if not handled correctly, they can cause great harm. Knife safety is really important. Everyone in the family should be familiar with a few basic safety procedures. The following tips will not only help prevent any potential injuries but will assist you to be a better cook as well. 

Keep Knives Sharp

As odd as this might sound (after all, what could be more dangerous than a sharp knife?) a dull knife will do more harm than a sharp one. The explanation for this is simple – in order to cut something with a dull knife, you have to apply more force and pressure, increasing the likelihood that the knife will slip and cause injuries.

The simplest way to keep yourself and the knife safe is by sharpening it every month. To do this, you will need either a sturdy sharpening stone or a knife sharpener. Using honing steel helps touch up the knife in between cooking sessions.

Practice Knife Techniques

Of course, knowing how to use the knife will prevent as many injuries as keeping it sharp. Here are some knife cutting tips:

  • Always hold the food you are cutting with one hand, while the other hand uses the knife. The holding hand should be shaped like a claw, with the fingers tucked under, so they keep out of the way of the knife.
  • Always use a chopping board, and it’s good if the board is nice and large, so you don’t feel cramped while cutting.
  • Keep the tip of the knife on the cutting board, and lower and lift the handle to do the cutting.
  • If cutting round veg or fruit, always cut them in half first then lay the flat side down on the cutting board. A flat surface is much easier to chop on.
  • If the knife slips out of your hand, do not, under any circumstances, attempt to grab it mid-air. While your first instinct might be to try and catch it, you should always let it fall.
  • If you are carrying a knife, make sure to point the tip towards the floor.

Store Knives Safely

  • It’s really important to keep knives stored safely. If your kitchen knives didn’t come with a knife block, then consider buying one, or decide where is best in your kitchen to keep them out of the way.
  • A magnetic knife strip keeps knives high up away from smallies.
  • If you need to keep them in a drawer, then make sure they are at the back of the drawer away from hands reaching in.

Clean Knives Frequently

Leaving knives in soapy water actually results in dirt and food debris building up on the blade until it becomes dull. Use a bit of soapy water, rinse then dry them with a clean cloth straightaway. Try to avoid putting knives in the dishwasher as this can damage them.  
